Dear Readers,
From now until rebirth. It is a fine day to be born anew.
Many sacrifices have been made. Some not by choice. Others with great solemnity.
Learning to let go has not been easy. And these times are filled with challenges that feel as old as modern tales.
As I put together “Slow Flow Glow”, I am moved by the passion contained in the words and images sent for this issue in the true spirit of magic.
What awaits is much encouragement for the Spring season after a very long winter. I hope this issue finds you ready to shed your worn cloak and ease into the promise of sunshine.
The vernal equinox connotes an equanimous moment when day and night are in balance, upon which after the daylight begins to grow more abundant. If you do not feel quite ready for this abundance, have patience and the faith to surrender as tendrils plunge into fertile ground to slowly awaken to the surface.
Remedy the Blue